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                About Us

                Shantou Fengming Machinery Co., Ltd. is a modern enterprise integrating scientific research and creation. The factory is engaged in the manufacture of precision CNC plastic machinery. In the field of machinery, "Fengming" people have developed rapidly by virtue of their continuous research and application of advanced technology. Over the years, "Fengming" has adhered to the belief of "surmounting itself, users first, pursuing excellence, and paying attention to the brand", paying close attention to the internal management of the enterprise, paying attention to scientific and technological progress, and adhering to the strategic policy that manufacturers join hands to base themselves on the market and participate in competition.

                In the face of the information industry revolution in the new century, "Fengming" people always adhere to the quality policy of "quality is with me, customers are in my heart", careful decision-making, long-term planning, improve the management mechanism, improve the smooth network of new products, and put high Quality products and effective services are dedicated to the society. Seize the opportunity to meet the challenges of rapid economic development in the new era.

                Fengming Enterprise is willing to go forward hand in hand with friends from all walks of life at home and abroad to create greater glories!