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                Home >> News >> company news >> News Details

                The operation of garbage bag making machine should be standardized

                2022-03-22common problem776次

                The operation of the garbage bag making machine should be standardized, so how should the operation be standardized? Many operators need to have a certain understanding of the operating specifications of the plastic bag making machine when operating the plastic bag making machine. The following plastic bag making machine manufacturers will introduce the operating specifications of the plastic bag making machine to you.

                1. Start the plastic bag making machine:
                1. Turn on the main power switch of the machine tool, check whether the equipment is leaking, and preheat the barrel and mold according to the set process temperature requirements. When the barrel temperature reaches the process temperature, it must be kept warm for more than 20 minutes to ensure the temperature of each part of the barrel. evenly. If no abnormal phenomenon is found, the oil pump can be officially started, and the operation can only be performed after the "motor on" is displayed on the screen, and check whether the function of the safety door is normal.
                2. Manually start the screw rotation and check whether the screw rotation sound is abnormal or stuck.
                3. The operator must use the safety door. If the safety door travel switch fails, it is not allowed to start the machine.
                2. Preparations before starting the plastic bag making machine:
                1. Wear the safety protective clothing prescribed by the workshop before starting production.
                2. Clean up the surrounding environment of the equipment, and do not store any items unrelated to production.
                3. Clean the worktable and the internal and external sundries of the equipment, and wipe the guide rail of the injection seat and the tie rod of the clamping part with clean cotton yarn.
                4. Check whether the control switches, buttons, electrical circuits, operating handles and handwheels of the equipment are damaged or malfunctioning. Each switch and handle should be in the "off" position.
                After reading the above introduction, you should know the operating specifications of the plastic bag making machine!

                For more information about garbage bag making machine, please visit:/

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